Breathing is the single most important thing we do and yet we don't always use it right. Too often we are just going through our day and do not realize the impact breath has on us. Think about it. Until you started reading this blog you probably weren't thinking of your breath...... but now.... you are noticing the speed and depth of your breath.... you may even feel the need to take a deep breath all of a sudden. Its funny what awareness does.
Ok, so we are aware now, so what?
Well breathing can help with so much in life...... you know besides the whole keep us living thing.
Being aware of our breath can help us relax. By taking longer, slower breaths we can reduce our heart rate and calm our mind. The more mindful we are of our breath, the more mindful we are of our mind, our body, our actions. Breath links everything together.
When I am in pain (I have CRPS - a chronic pain disorder), I breathe. This mindful breathing helps to calm my nerves and reduces the pain. When I'm stressed out in traffic..... or with my kids...... I breathe.
Take a few days and pay attention. Take note of how you are breathing in certain situations. Are you breathing rapid and shallow? Change it up, breathe slow and deep. Did your mood, attitude, behavior, response change? Emotions and feelings are seen in the breath.

I believe that if the eyes are the window to the soul then breath is a window to the heart.

Thank you for reading. I welcome all comments!!
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